Secure The Village Desktop Redesign
Secure The Village is a CyberSecurity non-profit that aims to educate and support people on the ongoing challenges of cyber crime. They connect cybersecurity and privacy leaders, and create communities to accelerate progress toward a secure global village.
I led the design operations of Secure The Village’s design team to improve the accessibility of the desktop and mobile website. I provided coaching and consultation to designers, content writers and marketing managers, while leading my own research and redesign projects to develop designs, tools, policies and education to support the digital product team.
Existing Problems & Issues
Background photo of dark green grass on homepage is dark and an accessibility issues for those with red/green colorblindness or low vision, the contrast does not abide to WCAG 2.1 color ratio standards. Background photo is distracting and takes away from content information.
Website is currently very text dense and not user friendly to read through. Users who are not familiar with cyber security have difficulty navigating the website if they need help with their current cyber security issues.
UX and Accessibility Designer
Improve overall user experience of desktop to be more inclusive for all users
June 2023 - Present
Improve sites accessibility to abide by WCAG 2.1 standards
Improve navigation by making it simple and intuitive for a diverse set of users
Minimize text as well and improve content organization to improve readability
Create an inviting and enjoyable homepage for a more diverse user base
Current Experience
Competitive Analysis
Helvetica Light is an easy-to-read font, with tall and narrow letters, that works well on almost every site.
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.